Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm soooo totally jealous

"O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!"

The poem that makes me sooooo totally jealous is JABBERWOCKY.  This poem makes me jealous because it is madness at its best.  I mean, who doesn't want to go rest by the Tumtum tree?  Mister Carroll leads on a frabjoulous adventure mostly with words he made up when he was high.  It's awesome.

From the very beginning of the poem you are thinking, "WTF?!?!"  It's because throughout the whole poem you are trying to figure out what exactly a slithy tove is.  You cannot expect to read this poem one time and know what it means or even understand it.  I guess that is the beauty of a great poetry, and something that we should all try to emulate.  Enough coherency to make it readable, and enough nonsense to make it thoughtful.


  1. Well said. I struggle with this poem. I mean, I like the way it sounds, but nobody has a clue what this crackhead is talking about.

    But maybe that's not a big deal. Because you're right. It is coherent enough to read. But there's enough nonsense to keep you confused. I don't know.

  2. "who doesn't want to go rest by the Tumtum tree?" ha your funny! i somewhat agree with you. im just so lost through out the whole poem! its kinda too wierd for me. but i like your post.
